Same Same But Different

Every time I come for a treatment, I start with conversation; general condition, mood and life circumstances are the topics of our conversation through which we crystallize the most beneficial treatment for the client that day.

In Thai therapeutic work we apply palms, thumbs, elbows, feet, knees and even sitting on certain parts of the body. During the treatment, a dynamic, slightly swaying rhythm alternates with a static, pleasant but uncompromising stay in a place which requires our common attention and the intention to let the blockage go away. Whether I apply more stretching techniques, more work on energy lines, abdomen, or working with a wooden wedge and a stick, the goal is always the same, to remove tension and achieve greater flow of blood and lymph and energy.

People today worry about everything and unfortunately the children are also more and more stressed out. Mild but powerful osteopathic biodynamic treatment known as Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy reaches the deepest tensions of adults and children. Trauma, injuries, insomnia and various pains are common reasons for coming to this type of treatment in which the therapist’s function is minimal, and the recipient's maximal.

After all the treatments are done, we can expect a significant improvement in psychophysical condition, joy and energy upswing. No worries – this is a brief description of this weightless state of our mind and body.